I think if you do comedy stick man use s3 but fight use black s1 but give him longer legs.
Age 97, Male
playin gameboycolor
Flarp City, Newgrounds
Joined on 9/17/07
I think if you do comedy stick man use s3 but fight use black s1 but give him longer legs.
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So early 2000's.
I think you should avoid sticks and guns all together but I would go Style 2 Colour 2 just because purple is a bit different and the thinner lines work better. Style 2 too thick and style 3 has too much neck.
(damn spell checker won't save you every time)
style 1 is nice in red
style 2 is nice in black
style 3 is nice in all colors
maybe u could use diffrent colors like color red is that side purple tht side etc etc
ps check ur inbox
thanks but like i duno which style 2 use specificly